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About Us
To develop global leadership equipped with skills, knowledge and temperament to face challenges with courage, confidence and innovation.
At CLM Public School, we aim at a “bright future based on dynamic planning purported to meet the society’s requirements of tomorrow”.
We look for talent and aptitude of all kinds and foster them to standards of excellence. It is our constant and unswerving endeavor to
tap the intellect in creating potential in our children. The mind is exercised into clear thinking. Judicious and wise discrimination
through the latest methodology is adopted by our qualified and motivated teaching staff. We encourage our children into forming attitudes
of responsibility, fortitude, sweet disposition and self discipline so that they emerge as good citizens of the country with patriotic outlook,
sense of social responsibility, pride in our cultural heritage and commitment to the integrity of the nation..
In order to make the student fit for these, a highly equipped; multi apparatus gymnasium has been provided to shape their physical structure.
The gymnasium is well equipped with the latest, sophisticated and of course the best equipment and gadgets accessible to the students but,
under the supervision of an experienced user.
The school boasts of multi-cuisine cafeteria, which provides the choicest of dishes under the guidance of the specialists of hotel industry,
but priority is given to nutrition and hygiene. The menu is set with special emphasis on the nutrient value of the food.
Our Mission
Clm Public School seeks to inculcate in its students:
- A desire to achieve excellence in all areas of Endeavour.
- Respect for all forms of authority and for fellow students.
- Concern for the needs of others, and consideration for the less fortunate.
- Awareness of the environment and of their responsibility to conserve it.
- Knowledge and appreciation of India’s cultural heritage with a special emphasis on the culture of the community in and around the school.
- The spirit to embrace global diversities.
- Readiness to face fearlessly all the problems and challenges.
Our Vision
To develop global leadership equipped with skills, knowledge and temperament to face challenges with courage, confidence and innovation.